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Doctor Letters and Common Mistakes

In the initial application for Social Security disability benefits, you are not required to submit full  medical documentation. The SSA will initially direct the gathering  of your medical records so as to enable   the  New York agency charged with providing the basis for  the   disability determination to do its work.

You might wonder if it would be best  have your doctor write a letter or statement vouching  for you.  Some people do win their cases on the initial level  thanks to a doctor’s letter, but the complex medical and legal issues that surround disability cases present   the danger  that even your  doctor’s well-intentioned  statements  will inadvertently hurt your  case. It is therefore better  for most claimants to apply without such documents.

However, as your claim progresses,  in  the light of a  more complete development of data and opinion,  your New York disability attorney may decide that it would  benefit  your case to obtain and submit  additional data,, statements of opinion, or  clarifying  assessments  from your treating doctors.

Two major  mistakes are very often made    during the course of   the attempts bo obtain  Social Security disability benefits. One is failing to seek and obtain  proper medical care. Some  people  with chronic medical problems,  stop going to see doctors because they  feel that medical treatment has not helped them very much. This is likely to  cause significant harm  since  treatment records are important evidence of disability, and since. although some chronic impairments cannot be cured,  treatment may alleviate suffering, and/or slow progression.

Ofcourse, the most common mistake is the simple  failure to appeal the   initial denial of benefits.

If your application for Social Security disability benefits has been denied and you are facing a hearing, New York disability attorney Herbert Forsmith can  help. Call (212) 809-1772 or (845) 278-2896, or fill out the case evaluation form on this website.